FAQ - Mycouponshop


What is MyCouponShop.com?

MyCouponShop.com is a platform where users can find the latest deals, discounts, and coupons for various brands and stores. Members can also post their own deals and share them with the community.


How do I post a deal or coupon on MyCouponShop.com?

To post a deal, sign in to your account, navigate to the "Submit a Deal" section or from top menu click on "Submit a Deal" button, and follow the instructions to submit the details, including a description, link, and any terms. Once approved, your deal will be visible to the community.


How can I find deals for specific categories or stores?

Use the search bar to enter the name of a category or store. You can also browse by category or filter by popularity and date to find deals that suit your needs.


Are the deals on MyCouponShop.com verified?

While we strive to maintain quality and accuracy, some deals are posted by members, and not all are verified. Always check the details on the retailer’s site before purchasing.

Do I need an account to access deals on MyCouponShop.com?

No, you can browse deals without an account. However, signing up allows you to post deals, save favorites, and interact with other members.

Can I report an expired or incorrect deal?

Yes, each deal page has an option to report issues. Select this option and let us know if a deal has expired, is incorrect, or violates our terms.


Is there a fee to use MyCouponShop.com or to post deals?

No, MyCouponShop.com is free to use. There are no fees for browsing or posting deals, though certain features might be reserved for members.

How often are new deals and coupons posted?

New deals are posted daily by both our team and community members. To stay updated, consider subscribing to our newsletter or following us on social media.

Can I share MyCouponShop.com deals on social media?

Yes! You can easily share deals by clicking on the social media icons on each deal page to post on Facebook, Twitter, and more.

How can I become a verified member or top contributor?

Members with consistent, high-quality posts may earn recognition as verified members or top contributors. Stay active, follow guidelines, and contribute valuable deals to earn these designations.

Ninja Silhouette 9 hours ago

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

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